Monday, December 12, 2011

Preliminary Task - Filming

Filming Process:
The filming process went very well for me and beth, we worked well together as a team, and got the shoot done quickly. Over the course of the shoot we came across a few problems, be it that the location we would of like to use was to dirty and the cleaners were in there at the time in which we would of liked to film, So we therefore had to use a new location. We used E1, Using this location came with its problems be it we had to rearrange the room so it looked like a reception area. 
The main problems we faced were:

  • Teachers walking past the room
  • Teachers talking in the staff room
To overcome these issues we filmed out of sequence so that the shots outside were filmed first so there would be little noise. We then over came the teachers talking in the staff room by shooting when there was no noise, as there was only a couple of shots in and around the area of the staffroom this was not a major problem for us

We decided that if there was exterior sound by the form off speech in our clip that we would not worry, as with it being a reception area there is bound to be people chatting and talking.

Beth and i took on the roles equally, we both operated cameras as we had two booked out. And we both directed the film, by putting ideas across about what would look great on camera. Personally i believe i did well with the camera and my skills using it have been enhanced, i also feel i have improved greatly at directing a film as this has given me the opportunity to work on my skills.

Year 12 Preliminary Task - Movie Poster - The Assassin

Year 12 preliminary Task - Shotlist

Shot List

Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Preliminary Task - Teamwork

Team work:

I am working with beth for my preliminary task. We have been working well together. We managed to sort out a date to film easily and got it done quickly. We have come across a few small problems during our task, such as location, but we disscussed the problem and managed to sort it out quickly. Making working together very easy. We also discussed who's doing what task and they have been done. So far we are up to editing the film and are about half way through it. We have both discussed what would look great on film. And put our ideas to the test with different effects. We have also shared the roles making it very effective and easy to work together.

Preliminary Task - Camera Skills

This short essay will be about the benefits of using multi camera when shooting and how using a tripod can benefit filming.

Some benefits of using a tripod:

  • It holds the camera in a precise position
  • Reduces the risk of camera blur due to free hand shooting
  • Using a tripod makes for easier shooting as it allows you to do certain aspect such as pans and tilts easier
Some benefits of using multi cameras:

  • It makes filming the 180 degree rule easier
  • It will speed up filming as you dont have to use a single camera to get every shot
  • Means you dont have to move the camera around to get different shots
  • You can capture different angles alot easier
180 Degree Rule:
This is a short film on the 180 degree rule

Why people should use a tripod:
This is a short film on the benefits of using a tripod

Preliminary Task - Production Schedule:

Production Schedule:
This is the link to the website in which our production schedule is stored upon. This was produced by me and beth, allowing us to know where we were filming and what times we were filming at. It also has details of which roles each of us were doing and contact information for both us and emergency services located in sawtry.

Production Schedule - The Assasin Final

Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Preliminary Task - RECCE Checklist.

Intially we got permission to film in the sixth form centre, but on arrival we found that it was dirty and wouldnt look good on camera. So we decided to move to E1 Mr sheppards room, and turned it into a recption area.

Followed below is the Checklist i filled out when going on the RECCE:

Location Name: Sawtry Community College, English Block E1
Location Address: Sawtry Community College, Fen Lane, Huntingdon.

Permit Required: Yes, We got permission from Mr sheppard
Restroom Facilities: Yes located next to the room
Parking: Not required for this shoot
Exterior Sound: Very little exterior sound
Interior Sound: Very little Exterior Sound
Electrical Support: Located all around the room
Generator Required: No
Neighbours okay with filming: Yes
Natural light: We didnt need natural night as we want a dark film to fit in with the theme
Disruptions: Teachers walking past
Health and Safety: Check risk assesment
Who owns location: Sawtry community College

Thursday, November 24, 2011

Preliminary Task- Location Permisson

Preliminary Task - Final Script

Final Script for the production: The Assasin

          MATT is outside the Sixth form common room looking around
          being quite tense. Sliding the knife into his sleeve.
          MATT Walks into the reception area and confronts MOLLI who
          is working behind the desk.
                    Hello, I've come on a call from
                    Sawtry Community College about a
                    leak in the toilet.
                    OK, Hold on one second ill just
                    phone that through. Can you just
                    sign in for me please.
          MOLLI Picks up phone and calls the technicians
                    Hello, is that rob? Ive got someone
                    here to come and fix the leak in
                    the English block toilets shall i
                    bring him down?.
          MATT Signs into the visitors book, but use the name 'The day
          your life ends' with an arrow pointing to MOLLI.
                    Yes that's fine. If you would like
                    to follow me this way.
          MOLLI Leads MATT through the computer room door, where she
          walks through, MATT Places his left hand on the door. Whilst
          the hammer slides out of his right hand so he has a firm
          grip on it.
          MATT hits MOLLI with the hammer. MOLLI falls to the floor.
          MATT then runs back through the door.
          MATT Walks through computer room. Molli lies on the floor.

Thursday, November 17, 2011

Preliminary Task, Script - Second draft

This is our second draft script, we had to change our idea due to the fact two people had to be sat down. We have also changed the name off our production it will be called the assassin now

          MATT is outside the reception doors looking around being
          quite tense. Sliding the knife into his sleeve.
          MATT Walks into the reception area and confronts MOLLI who
          is working behind the desk.
                    Hello, I've come on a call from
                    Sawtry Community College about a
                    leak in the toilet.
                    OK, Hold on one second ill just
                    phone that through. Can you just
                    sign in for me please.
          MOLLI Picks up phone and calls the technicians
                    Hello, is that rob? Ive got someone
                    here to come and fix the leak in
                    the English block toilets shall i
                    bring him down?.
          MATT Signs into the visitors book, but use the name 'The day
          your life ends' with an arrow pointing to MOLLI.
                    Yes that's fine. If you would like
                    to follow me this way.
          MOLLI Leads MATT to the reception doors, where she walks
          through, MATT Places his left hand on the door. Whilst the
          hammer slides out of his right hand so he has a firm grip on
          MATT hits MOLLI with the hammer. MOLLI falls to the floor.
          MATT then runs back through the door.
          MATT then sees a woman walking out of main reception door.
                    Hello, Hello, Hello... Sorry im in
                    abit of a rush.
          WOMAN then walks through the door matt came out from and

Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Preliminary Task- Script, First Draft

Below this is the first draft of our script. We will both go over it and make any changes if necessary.

          MATT walks to the door, Opens the door. He is texting.
          MATT walks into the stairwell texting. Not paying attention
          to MOLLI running down the stairs.
          MATT And MOLLI Collide on stairwell. They Look at each
          other. Then MATT and MOLLI Walk different ways.
          MATT Walks to the middle of the stairwell and looks back
          noticing MOLLI's Phone lying there.
          MATT Walks back down the stairwell to pick it up.
          MATT Runs down the stairwell to confront MOLLI About her
                    Excuse me! You've Dropped your
          MOLLI Touches MATT hands whilst saying.
                    Thank you so much, I owe you big
          MATT And MOLLI Both turn away walks 3 steps away from each
          other. Then MATT turns back round.
                    Hey! Are you free this Friday?
                    I might be why do you ask?
                    How do you fancy meeting for a
                    coffee or something ?
                    Wait...I don't even know your name
                    and you think you can just come
                    here and ask to take me out for a
          MATT Just stands on the stairwell not saying anything.
          MOLLI Turns away and walks off.
          MATT is left standing on the stairwell with MOLLI'S Phone
          still in his hands.

Preliminary Task - Our Idea

What we have been asked to do?
For our Preliminary Task we have been asked to film and edit a short clip around a minute long, within the clip it must contain two people talking to eachother. They must enter a room and sit down then exchange a few lines of dialogue. The task should demonstrate match on action, shot/reverse shot and the 180 degree rule. We also have to create an A3 poster about the clip we will be making.

For this task i will be working with Bethany Wilson.

Pre production - 7th November - 18th November.
Production - 19th November - 26th November.
Post Production - 27th November - 12th December.
Presentation Day - MM1 - 13th December.

Roles within the team:
Stephen - Director, Editing.
Beth - Camera.

What i hope to learn over the course of this task:
I learn to enhance my skills in editing and sound over the course of this task. I also what to build on my directing skills aswell. I want to develop my creative ideas skills, for instance script writing and storyboarding.

Intial Idea:
Our intial idea is two characters ( Molli and Matt) who walk into eachother at queensgate stairwell. Something will fall out of mollis bag. Matt will pick it up and run after to give it to her. A few lines of dialogue will be exchanged. Then both Characters will go there seperate ways. We may not be able to do this as they have to sit down infront of one another.

Monday, October 10, 2011

RECCI Checklist

RECCI short for 'reconoitre' is the effect of going to a location to survery before shooting. When going to survery a location there is a few basic princples that must be checked. Located below is a RECCI Checklist:

Location Name:
Location Address:
Permit Required:
Restroom Facilities
Exterior Sound:
Interior Sound:
Electrical Support:
Generator Required:
Neighbours okay with filming:
Natural Light:
Health and safety:
Who owns the location:

Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Research - Cameraman

What a camera man does in the industry?

A camera man also known as a camera operator is an operator that use cinematic techniques to operate a camera. In the film industry a cinematographer uses a movie camera to capture images to film. The position is very similar to the television camera operator but there are some differences. Most notably, the film camera operator often works with other camera staff whereas the television camera operator is normally the only person directly operating the camera. A film camera operator is a very respected postion which requires excellent camera skills and equipment knowledge.

The Film Camera Operator can also be known as:
  • Motion Picture Camera Operator
  • Filmographer 
  • Video Camera Operator
  • Videographer 
  • Operate the Camera
  • Operate any additional equipment such as dollies and cranes
  • Select appropriate lenses
  • Frame Shots under the direction of the cinematographer
(Film camera operator)

Year 12 The Chase Task.

How Well We Worked As A Team

My Group 'Keff Is Sexy' consisted of 4 of us, Luke, Ryan, Jamie, And myself. A couple of days before the shoot we decided what roles and what aspects of the production we were going to work on. This reduced the risk of causing any arguments on the day of the shoot. In Pre production we all worked together as a team to decide what concept we were going to portray, what costumes were to be worn by our two actors Luke and Jamie we also discussed as a group the different camera shots and angles we were going to use this allowed us to shoot things quickly and also caused less arguments in the long run be it that we did not have to decide on set what camera shots we was going to do. I feel that there were a few arguments but only on the day of the production and they were eliminated quickly. Personally because we are all friends in our group it made it easy for one member to question why the rest of the group was doing something or made it easier for a member of the group to confide in us and give us more ideas.

My Role Within The Production

My role within the Production was camera man, i was given this role because i didn't want to be an actor because i did not know how to edit. So the camera man job suited me well because of my experience with cameras and how they work. I feel i got some good shots that made our film look even better. I felt i had a lot of pressure on my shoulders as we only had 1 hour to shoot everything therefore every shot had to be done to perfection with a few exceptions be it that i did not take Media Studies for GCSE, and am still learning some vital methods to get great shots.

Our Video:

Our Presentation: