Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Preliminary Task - RECCE Checklist.

Intially we got permission to film in the sixth form centre, but on arrival we found that it was dirty and wouldnt look good on camera. So we decided to move to E1 Mr sheppards room, and turned it into a recption area.

Followed below is the Checklist i filled out when going on the RECCE:

Location Name: Sawtry Community College, English Block E1
Location Address: Sawtry Community College, Fen Lane, Huntingdon.

Permit Required: Yes, We got permission from Mr sheppard
Restroom Facilities: Yes located next to the room
Parking: Not required for this shoot
Exterior Sound: Very little exterior sound
Interior Sound: Very little Exterior Sound
Electrical Support: Located all around the room
Generator Required: No
Neighbours okay with filming: Yes
Natural light: We didnt need natural night as we want a dark film to fit in with the theme
Disruptions: Teachers walking past
Health and Safety: Check risk assesment
Who owns location: Sawtry community College

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