Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Year 12 The Chase Task.

How Well We Worked As A Team

My Group 'Keff Is Sexy' consisted of 4 of us, Luke, Ryan, Jamie, And myself. A couple of days before the shoot we decided what roles and what aspects of the production we were going to work on. This reduced the risk of causing any arguments on the day of the shoot. In Pre production we all worked together as a team to decide what concept we were going to portray, what costumes were to be worn by our two actors Luke and Jamie we also discussed as a group the different camera shots and angles we were going to use this allowed us to shoot things quickly and also caused less arguments in the long run be it that we did not have to decide on set what camera shots we was going to do. I feel that there were a few arguments but only on the day of the production and they were eliminated quickly. Personally because we are all friends in our group it made it easy for one member to question why the rest of the group was doing something or made it easier for a member of the group to confide in us and give us more ideas.

My Role Within The Production

My role within the Production was camera man, i was given this role because i didn't want to be an actor because i did not know how to edit. So the camera man job suited me well because of my experience with cameras and how they work. I feel i got some good shots that made our film look even better. I felt i had a lot of pressure on my shoulders as we only had 1 hour to shoot everything therefore every shot had to be done to perfection with a few exceptions be it that i did not take Media Studies for GCSE, and am still learning some vital methods to get great shots.

Our Video:

Our Presentation:

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