Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Year 12 - Similar Products - Analisis of 3 Posters

  • From this poster we can clearly see the tradtional dress code of a film noir production the female dressed elegantly, with the male wearing a smart suit and hat. The woman is tradtionally smoking a cigarette, this is similar throughtout most film noir productions. With the Hearts being in bold red this could be assciated with love and romance, then also the 'Lonely' is traditionaly styled in the white font.

  • As you can see from this poster its a traditional wide angle shot. These are tradtionally used alot in film noir productions. Also as we can see the poster is in black and white, this follows the trend of the films as they as also shot in black and white. The tradtional dress code is there. And it also shows the woman character these are also known as femefatales and will not be killed.

  • This poster uses a wide range of colours in which is odd, as the productions are always in black and white. The dress code of the woman is red this could be associated with love and romance, he is dressed in white, this could show that he is a good character and not following the genre of crime and police this is what most film noir productions are about. Also the use of the text 'bad for each other' Could mean that they are not supposed to be together yet nothing can keep them apart.

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