Saturday, March 24, 2012

Year 12 - Film Noir - Post Production Diary Entry

Our team 'Lightswitch productions' has now begun the process of editing. Since Jake howells has the most skills in this process we gave him the lead role, although i have also helped with the editing process, for instance choosing sound and cutting clips together. Not only this i also helped the group decide what footage we need to re-film to enhance the grade we will recieve for the production 'Montoya downfall'. Along with this i have also started to right up my evaluation. Not only this i have also had feedback sessions with the class, were they gave our group pointers on where and what needed improving in our production. At this very moment our first edit has been completed and we are now going through the process of a second edit, this will be done by friday the 30th of march 2012.
I have a camera booked out for monday night in this time i will be going through the process of filming my evaluation. I will then edit it on tuesday in time for my holiday on the wednesday.

Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Year 12 - Film Noir - Post production contributions

The Roles i took on throughout the production of our film 'Montoya Downfall'

  • Directed the prodcution
  • Lighting
  • Sound
  • Drafted the first and second screenplay script
  • Completed the production schedule
  • The whole team came together to produce a props list
Throughout post production i took on the roles off:

  • Editing with the rest of the team also
  • Sound for our production
  • Gaining Audience Feedback for pointers in which our production may need to improve
  • Editing the Second draft of our production
Throughout the entire production the team, has shared the roles equally. This has made it alot easier, as it takes the pressure of each individuals shoulders knowing that you dont have to do everything, and that you can deligate round the group fairly. All aspects of the production were worked upon by myself, sam morris and jake howells.

Monday, March 12, 2012

Year 12 - Film Noir - Risk Assesment

Located Below is the risk assesment for the production 'montoya downfall'
Page 1 for risk assesment

Page 2 for risk assesment

Thursday, March 8, 2012

Year 12 - Film Noir - Main Task Research

For our media production we have been set the task to film a 'Film Noir' production. The word film Noir is used to primarily describe stylish 'Hollywood Crime Dramas'. We based our production around the idea of a hollywood crime drama as we believed that this would typically follow the conventions of a Film Noir production.

  • From Looking at sources all over the internet we decided to base our production on 'Gun Crazy', this production is a 1950 film noir feature film starring Peggy Cummins and John Dall. This production is a story about the crime spree of a gun toting husband.

  • Although our production is not about a gun toting husband and wife. We wanted to follow along the lines of having a gang, who is being hunted down by a detective. These would typically follow conventional plot lines of a film noir production.
  • From watching this clip, we found that typically we would need to have a femme fatale in our production, this is key in gaining control over the aspects of our film noir produciton. Although the femme fatale in this production is dressed up all glamoursly, we choose to do this, as in our production crystal is wearing a glamorous dress that makes her look elegant. Also from looking at this we found that all male characters must be wearing suits. So we based all our males characters to enlighten the conventions and to be seen on camera wearing a suit.
  • From Looking at many images we found these images most helpful when looking for ideas in which to dress our characters and what props they would be using.

  •  From these images you can clearly see that the males are all typically dressed in suits with a hat and trenchcoat on.
  • From the images you can clearly see that the women are all dressed in elegant dresses.
  • It would appear that a conventions that is critical to the production of film noir would be for the actors to be smoking, we used this convention to make sure that our production met the requirements.

  • In order for our production to follow the crime genre, we thought it would be good if we used a bar area. We had all our characters sit round a booth, with the lead character 'tony' walking into to questions his fellow gang members what had happened with his 'precious drugs'. We found this to be key, as from looking at a wide range of sources it would appear to us that a bar setting would be the right setting.

Monday, March 5, 2012

Year 12 - Film Noir - Costumes and Props

Our femme fatale was played by Emily Read. She will be wearing a black dress which fits the appearance of a conventional female character in a film noir production. Her appearance will be beautiful and striking to the audience which again fits the conventions. As important as the detectives and their hats, the femme fatale's hair needs to fit the 1940/50's look, this is key to producing a realistic attempt of film noir, it will also allow the producers to follow the typical conventions of film noir.

In Order to follow the convetions of a film noir production we must follow the males character. For our production we used what most males who acted in film noir producitons would have be it cigarettes. This is key in gaining the typical 1940/1950 look.

We Also decided that it would be appropriate if our lead character tony montoya would wear a trench coat, we all agreed that this would make our film look like it was set in the 1940/1950s which is most off all what we wanted it too look like. These are appropriate as most male characters in film noir movies would be seen wearing one.

Year 12 - Film Noir - Location Confirmation

We planned to film at Sawtry Workingman's Club and as I live nearby I went to the club to receive conformation to film. I asked the manager/owner to sign a slip saying we could film which showed them we are professional.

Year 12 - Film Noir - RECCE Photographs

Located below is some photographs off the location we will be using to produce our production 'montoya downfall'. They give the audience an idea of what will happen when we go on set and film.

 This is were the gang memebers will be seated throughout our production.
This is were the gang members will walk through to get to there booth.

Year 12 - Film Noir - Storyboards

Located below is the storyboards we took on set, when we filmed our produciton 'Montoya Downfall'